Kettle Pot Tracks’ On the Hill Series, 2012-2016
The On the Hill series started with a so-so video of a great performance by Jim Trainer. Our talented brother in law Jay Stewart came and showed us how to make videos that were ok (though his were way better than OK), and we went on our way. We met some wonderful people while we were making these, and we’ve stayed in touch with several of these talented artists.
The whole project began kinda unintentionally, skipped along with joy and hiccups and face plants and everything else that comes with inviting a bunch of new people into your home and into your life. We learned a lot about people and a lot about ourselves making this work.
I’m going to add a few of the videos here and there, and all of the audio from the sessions can be heard for free here.
Our very first On the Hill with Jim Trainer, December 2012
Dirty Dollhouse - AnnaLee
Haunt the House - Mosquito Coast